Emergency On-Call Procedures

Emergency On-Call Procedures
Family Connections, LLC
1643 Warwick Avenue, #200, Warwick RI 02889
Phone: 401-952-8188
Fax: 401-385-9410
1. If you are in need of your Clinician and it is during normal business hours, you can contact them directly at the number they have provided. The Clinician should make every effort to return your call at their earliest convenience.

2. If you are in crisis during normal business hours, you can contact your Clinician or the on call Administrators Rebecca Carter, LMHC 401-864-4301 or Kelly Waldron, LMHC at 401-952-8188. Please leave a message indicating that it is an emergency and we will return your call. If you are experiencing suicidal ideation or you feel that you or those around you are not safe, please call 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency room.

3. If you are in need of clinical support outside of business hours including weekends, you can call the on call Administrators Rebecca Carter, LMHC 401-864-4301 or Kelly Waldron 401-952-8188 and leave a message indicating that it is an emergency and we will return your call. If you are experiencing suicidal ideation or you feel that you or those around you are not safe, please call 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency room.

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